7 Ways to Re-fill Your Summer Self-Care Bucket

For many of you, you are experiencing your “Last Days of Summer.”  Many have already experienced their staycations, vacations, road trips, and summer bucket lists. You're starting to get ready for the back-to-school rush or just the overall change to fall season. 

If you're like me, this is you, but also….you are focused on making these last days of summer really count.  I have to be careful of this though.  I can create a sense of urgency and pressure that could lead to summer stress and burnout before fall even starts.  

Or maybe you're feeling so depleted now and cannot even think of a way to take care of you. This summer has been crazy busy and you are so tired.  You're feeling overwhelmed by the upcoming change in the season. 

Either way, I'm here to support you! 

Here are some tips to help you fill your Self-Care bucket (instead of depleting it) before summer officially ends.

7 Ways to Re-Fill your Summer Self-Care Bucket:

1-Unplug from your devices for a day, night, and/or weekend

2-Call or text an uplifting friend who you have not talked to recently

3-Attend a free summer festival

4-Take a nap

5-Sit outside and listen to a guided meditation

6-Schedule a day off work

7-Write down 5 things you're grateful for today   

Need help? Reach out today! I'd love to support you.

Be well,
